Friday, February 14, 2014

Responsive web page design - Major Advantages

Mobile is the where the internet data is moving towards and businesses do not want to leave any opportunity or miss even a single visitor. The idea of single point access with only one URL is solidifying and mobile app development India companies suggest that a large number of businesses will opt for responsive websites in the near future. The boundaries between mobile and web is diminishing and it has become extremely important to engage the mobile users as well. Responsive websites developed by an experienced app development company can help monetize the mobile users and generate revenues. So how does responsive web pages create value for the business?
Condition: Responsive web design (RWD) help users to browse a website despite the varying resolution across multiple screens.

Benefit: Users do not come across deformed web pages resulting in lesser bounce rates and better engagement. Value of individual pages increase leading to better SEPRs.

Condition: RWD makes your website search engine friendly. This ultimately increases your online reputation and sales.

Benefit: Search engines, especially google has a dedicated algorithm called panda. Panda is fundamentally created to check the website experience and user satisfaction. If your website scores good in panda, you can secure a higher rank on google than your competitors.
Condition:RWD allows you to break the barriers and helps you to reach a wider demography through mobile devices.

Benefit: Mobile devices are teenager’s favorite tool these days. You may find out that there can be a potential market waiting out there in segments that you might not have explored. Major app development companies say that a mobile friendly website will enhance the overall visual appeal of the website and may find you new markets as well.

Condition: RWD allows you to have one point of access for all content and hence there is no need to make multiple websites.

Benefit: Mobileapp development India developers working on RWD projects suggest that it saves a lot on development costs. People can save at least save 50%-60% of the development cost that would have spent otherwise for creating multiple sites.

Condition: RWD saves a lot of time and minimizes hassles when it comes to website maintenance. 
Benefit: Maintenance time for multiple websites will be higher as compared to a single website. This saves huge on costs and maintenance time for the website that would have been wasted otherwise.

Prominent mobile app developers are paying emphasis on responsive web page design. There are numerous advantages and most importantly they are all futuristic.
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