Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why your App design is critical for the users and the app stores?

Potential app developers dive into the mobile app development process to attain a prolific app with certain goals in mind. While those individual goals are always worked upon rigorously, few basic yet inevitable objectives need equal attention and efforts to witness better end results. One of those basic goals should be to formulate an app design that pleases the users and the app stores at the same time.

Design is one of the most critical elements of an app and it holds a major responsibility in terms of leveraging the importance and efficiency of the app in the app stores and also prominently amongst its target audience. Every app demonstrates design principles in terms of two specific aspects, i.e User Interface and User Experience. It is those crucial components of the application’s user interface that combinedly work together to deliver a better user experience to the users. Remember, design is one element that appeals to the mass at the first instance and manages to hold them till the end.

Importance of app design from the user’s perspective

  • Did you know that there are one in four applications that are once downloaded and not used again.
  • What these applications fail to provide is a seamless user experience to the users.
  • An ideal user experience comprises of UI components, such as appealing visual designs, flawless functionalities, user-friendly design, easy navigation, no blank screen, appropriate color combinations and themes, responsive UI elements and graphic and easy to understand features.
  • Elements like app icon, graphics and screenshots are some of the most critical aspects of visual design of the app. These elements can make or break your app’s first impression;  an instance that means everything to you when there are thousands of other similar apps trying to grab attention in the app stores.
  • Keep in mind, while users have opted to indulge with your app leaving behind many, they would be having certain expectations from their chosen one. Using the app features without any glitches, user-friendly elements to deal with and an overall appealing theme and color combinations are few of the basic expectations of users from an efficient app.
  • Therefore, knowing what sort of experiences you potential users are willing to go through beforehand and formulating your app UI based on those aspects will help you to congregate a well designed app.

Importance of app design from the app stores’ perspective

  • Your application’s ranking in the app store is utmost critical; certainly because a good ranking in the app store can leverage the download numbers to greater heights.
  • But before that, your app will demand a sizable user base that prefers engaging with the application on daily basis and with utmost dedication.
  • App engagement is an important internal app metric and the key to please the app store algorithms at the same time.
  • There are many different ways to increase your user acquisition through internal (app store optimization) and external (marketing and branding) techniques, but leveraging the same by providing a prolific app design is one of the best ways to increase app store ranking which will be further drive better visibility in the app store.
  • Also, another way to subdue the app stores is to smartly use the controls that are native to particular platforms on which you would be placing your app on.

Some Keynotes from the Apps world panel: App design to satisfy app stores and consumers alike by Andrew Spooner

  • Mostly, it is the user that you should be satisfying, users must feel like the application is part of the platform.
  • Saying that, if you want to please the store owners then you need to think like they do.
  • Embrace the UI and UX principles that each platform owner wants to highlight and you will make the store owner's happy.
  • Users are married to their devices and rarely use the same application across devices so are unlikely to start complaining that an application works a different way on different platforms.
  • They're much more likely to complain if an application works in a different way to other apps on their device.
  • With regard to Responsive design; the fundamental thinking should be 'how could I best display this content within the confines of these pixel dimensions' with a great level of consistency, even if you radically change the way that content is displayed on a 8' tablet and on a 30' all-in-one.
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Mobile Application Development said...

Very fantastic and very well-written post.Its extremely good and very helpful for me.Thank you for sharing this great post.