Monday, July 29, 2013

Android app developers, ready to change app development patterns for Glass

Google has been surging ahead in creating and strengthening its nexus. Not the device but its nexus of android and app based ecosystem. With the company announcing GDK (Glass Development Kit) android app development experts are contemplating a huge catalysis in the number of android apps that would be exclusively rolled out for glass. Android app developers are also hooked into Glass as it promises a new age of app development in a market that is ossified in innovation.

Glass apps would be different
Glass is basically focused on utility based features. There are speculations that it might go a step beyond and allow users to watch NBA while driving, but let’s consider its merits. It’s definitely going to prove highly beneficial for various professionals and we have already discussed them before. What’s more interesting is the fact that android app developers will not be constricted to making web based apps now. After GDK developers will be able to create native apps that would run in the device and guide the user accordingly. With that, even if android app development experts deploy apps with richer UI features, it won’t be an issue for the device to process them now.

Glass apps will flourish
The Smartphone industry is facing a creativity and innovation crunch at this moment. As a result of which the app development patterns have come to following a particular pattern. As glass comes with a differing configuration and visual output than Smartphone, the application developed for glass would vary and have exclusive matching with the device. The app functionality would be highly exclusive and differ from Smartphone at the basal level. Being said that, the idea of creating apps for glass might end up being highly rewarding in a market that is settling down with a specified set of android app development pattern.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mobile app development India sees streaming content going integral to apps

The next big thing that is taking shape at this moment is the area of streaming content and videos. Yes, it has been a long wait till date but with each passing day, streaming content is inching closer to our personal multimedia devices. Google’s Chromecast is yet another effort to bring streaming content closer to the users. The device is a small dongle with which the user can easily flash content on to the HDTV. A large sect of Mobile app development India believes that this can replace other secondary devices that must be connected to TVs for accessing streaming/satellite content. Since Google is also contemplating chromecast in an embedded form, it can bring massive changes in ways we consume streaming content.

The speed of internet

Speed of internet has been growing and it has easily reached a point where streaming content is not an issue anymore. Mobile application development India also validate this point as they are increasingly seeing more and more web based features in the applications. Increasing speed of the internet will definitely influence the ease of streaming content. Video content is already streamlining into the internet and meeting its ultimate destination of HDTVs. With technologies such as chromecast and its futuristic vision to come embedded in devices; it will only catalyze the market of mobile streaming content. 

Only your mobile device and nothing else

Chromecast has been promoted with its own developer API which mobile app development India experts can parcel it with their apps. Just like Airplay, Chormecast option will feature in the app or in a mobile browser and users can easily stream content in their HDTV using their in-house wireless connection. This reduces the effort of users to stream multimedia content or go for special services. One of the major effects that chromecast might inflict is to stop app development for smart TVs. Everything will accumulate in the mobile including streaming media.

Mobile app development India experts are all open to see the future unfold in the field of streaming and compliment their apps with chromecast.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Mobile App Development and store optimization (ASO) : An opportunity knocking on the door

As the Mobile app development flourishes in today’s digital App economy, App store optimization (ASO), the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app in an app store is all set to take the centre stage. While the Pareto’s principle of 80-20 is hugely witnessed in the apposphere wherein 20% of the apps contribute to 80% of the revenue, the pursuit to get one’s app discovered is one of the biggest issues and a major cause of concern.  Thus in sync with the Domino effect, the app must rank higher in the app store’s search result to become more visible to the potential customer and thus translate into more traffic to the apps page in the app store.

Search in the app store is the most used method for choosing an app in the app store, be it the more popular Google Play for Android or iTunes for apple, and thus herein lays the great potential for the  mobile application development that must be tapped into to fully convert maximum conversions. App store optimization as a process demands that the Mobile App developer takes time to understand, Iterate and tests the result to constantly improvise. Thus the ASO can be broadly broken into three distinct parts:

Finding the right keywords:
The title of the mobile app must include such keywords that are capable of attracting the highest search traffic. This helps ranking highly as apart from owning a share of the prospects mind.

Ranking highly for those keywords:
While freemium model in app command a higher popularity and rank higher in search, Apart from the number of downloads, Rating and rankings are major factors that push the rankings of apps higher. Similarly the aesthetic level of apps by way of App description and screenshots increase conversion.

Converting visitors into users: 
By using simple tools that enable engaging the customer through ratings or feedbacks or tell stories about their experience with the app thereby initiate dialogue with the customer using social platforms as Facebook, Twitter that in turn become a big influencing factor given the power of word of mouth marketing.

As lucrative as it may sound, ASO is a steady process that takes a considerable amount of time.  As per a research by, One of the leading company that re-imagines how people discover apps, it found that majority of users have no real concept of how to search for apps and no idea about the vast supply of great apps out there. While the Mobile App developers can utilize keyword  tool from such leading companies as, Flurry, MobiledevHQ, Searchman and,  For the front end consumer,  Android and Apple in themselves have attractive features, For instance, Apple’s iTunes introduced in itunes8 Genius as an artificial intelligent search engine to help users find their desired  kind of music or application. A precursor of many new ground-breaking practices to emerge in future that can be recapitulated deeply in the process of ASO.

Thus as the number of apps continuously increase with growth in mobile app development and App Store Optimization (ASO), The process of optimizing your app store listing so that apps are more easily searchable is set to gain a quantum leap and re-invent the future to fully utilize the digital scenario for a win-win situation for both the consumer and the developer.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Android ver. 4.3: A call to India’s app developers to go forth

The technology wave will most likely get an upsurge this week as Google unveils its latest version of android 4.3.  Even as Google grows to strengthen its ubiquitous presence amongst the mobile and tablet consumer across the digital platforms and spearheads the revolution of real time search and social, the long awaited android 4.3 version in itself presents a whole new paradigm towards UX.

The android ver. 4.3 indeed promises to sweeten the deal for its customers over its previous versions. From Android consumers to developers as everybody gets prepared to relish its delectable features there emerges a wide spectrum of opportunities for Indian companies building apps for creating apps and games for the worldwide customer base who strongly yearn a fresh breath of change. With its reputation as the fastest growing mobile OS known both for its openness and ability to continuously push the boundaries and bring forth new capabilities to users and developers, Android 4.3 holds many a promises.

Building on the strength of its ever-growing breed of skilled android app developers India carries a huge potential to optimize its latent core competency. The open source android platform’s growth story from the android cupcake to the present Jellybean has been evolutionary with a revolutionary experience. Carrying the tradition forward android 4.3 promises spectacular fireworks under the hood apart from major expected changes such as:

Location based power setting an offshoot of location APIs that keeps Wi-Fi scanning turned on to facilitate less power consumption , Thus encourage developers to create such location aware applications that minimize power consumption while utilizing all the capabilities of the devise hardware.

Improved Camera App is now packed with an ability to take pictures with volume rockers apart from new set of filters in the photo-editor.

Bluetooth 4.0 LE and AVRCP 1.3:
Steadfast on its vision to introduce wearable gadgets, Google had added support for Bluetooth 4.0 LE or Low Energy by default to connect with such Bluetooth accessories. While the AVRCP 1.3 will allow a more seamless connect in audio streaming with different external audio devices.
So as the next wave of digital revolution unfolds this week by Google, It’s time for developers to hit the pedal and zoom full throttle to create awe-inspiring apps that give consumers the fresh breath of change they yearn. As the character Neo played by actor Keanu Reeves in the film ‘The Matrix, says, “I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end, I came to hear to tell you how it’s going to begin.” Similarly Google leads the developer community to go forth.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

iPhone and Android app development experts contemplate the future of computing

The touch screen has grown and it has grown by such magnitude that it has altered the basic computing patterns of both personal as well as business computing spheres.  While touch screens have put Apple and Google and many other firms on top, companies like Microsoft with Legacy software have dwindled to catch on. The windows RT tablet was good but it failed to accomplish its task it was made for. At this moment of time when the corporate is doing away with Blackberry devices allowing personal mobile devices to serve enterprise data; a lot of apprehension is seen in the horizon of computing.

The dilemma between apps and conventional computing
A decade ago while the corporate basked under the light of Microsoft’s proprietary software things have changed a lot after the iPhone entered the market. Touch screens have redefined the computing experience. A number of aspects have leveraged the experience while some are still in the rudimentary stages. For example, while the mobility of these devices coupled with robust connectivity and touch experience have made them great; other aspects of legacy software which have cognitively carved their places in our minds. For example, using MS word and typing with a keypad is still preferred over creating documents through any particular mobile application. Android app development experts, who have been working behind such apps, also affirm that there are aspects of conventional software that are still hard to match in the touch screen.  

Where would it go from here?
Android app development India says that there has been a significant increase in the app development requests over the last year.  Apps are here to stay as android and iPhone devices are evolving in their hardware configuration. However at this moment it is seen that both the consumer and the corporate has switched to a 50-50 model when it comes to app vs. the legacy software. According to a recent data released by Forrester it has been suggested that while mobile devices including the iPad will see a lot of sales, conventional PCs will shrink at the end of the year. iPhone and Android app development experts do consider the advantages of the conventional software but also admit that brand new ways of computing will evolve from the touch screen itself.

It might turn out that a certain section of apps will enter into that zone of becoming legacy proprietary software. It might be the existing or new players’ altogether.

Android app development experts like personalization apps

Android wins over Apple in its ability to offer exclusive experience which is derived from the ability to customize the UX. The user experience on android has its own parameters and has a strong brigade going gaga over it. The number of personalization apps scores the highest in numbers the play store and android app development spend a lot of time developing personalization. Overall, personalization applications are a good place to invest your money and create a great freemium app.

Android application development India finds developing personalization apps to be highly rewarding. This is because android app development experts often spend lesser time (comparatively) developing these applications. For example, a live wallpaper app might feature some effects and transitions which the developer is seasoned with most of the time. Hence for many android app development experts, these apps do not really demand problem solving skills. Rather, personalization apps are something that entices developers to venture into their potential of creativity and make something out of enjoyment. Hence the efforts put into personalization apps do not tire android app development experts.

Although, it is not easy to attract users to download the app straight away, smart techniques (especially designing the app on something trending) draws users towards it. Once, you’ve got the users, the quality of the app does the rest. There are many apps based on the UI of trending android flagships with significant download numbers but the ones which are executed properly have been able to sustain.

With more apps going freemium on the app store, the competition has increased. In the midst of it, a potential personalization app created out of thin budget can be a winner in the app store and the android app development team involved.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Android app development is a priority for Google

Android has all the guns blazing recently in the Google IO and it has reflected in their quarterly earnings as well. Google has registered a 19% increases in revenues amounting to 14.11 billion however the clicks fell by 6 percent as compared to the results declared over Q2 2012. Google has been looking quite steady and affirmative in driving android, Google plus and its search engine all at one place and with absolute efficiency. What lies ahead for Google and android app developers?

Android is on priority and Google knows it. Eventually the PC will become vestigial to the normal computing standards and mobile devices would evolve further. While Google has not been able to hold a legacy in software for professional and personal usage (the way MS and Apple have), this is really a golden chance to push its own platform of drive and integrate it to every android device. As Larry Page reminded us that a total of 1 billion android devices have been activated till date, it just gives a hint to the android app development community about the potential of android and its future implications to remain as a critical platform due to its massive market share.

Considering the fact that mobile devices will contribute to the maximum internet browsing time, android app developers India are aware that android can become a potent tool to understand user preferences and intern help the SEPRs for the numerous websites cached on Google.

Android holds a lot of potential and it is guaranteed that Google will make the most out of it for their investors and android app development companies.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mobile app developers face a necessary evil of freemium model with networking and comm. Apps

Whatsapp has always advocated an ad free business model and has refrained from advertisement and in-app purchases. However mobile app developers at Whatsapp are seem to be moving towards a subscription based model in iOS as well thus equating it with Android, Blackberry and other platforms. A paid app based model for Whatsapp seemed difficult from the beginning itself. While the tech giants are in line to acquire Whatsapp, what are the future implications for the application?

iPhone app development argue that paid apps do good in the iOS ecosystem, iOS users are willing to spend on quality apps and do not hesitate to adapt new applications. However, the problem here is not only the quality of the app. Neither the outlook of avoiding an ad based model. The challenge here is generalist nature of the app. Mobile app developers who have developed communication and networking apps stumble upon the necessary evil of releasing the app for free. Especially, android app development experts say that it’s chronic to them. If it is a communication app, it has to be given for free or else how to you gain a critical mass of users.

Apps that are driven by numbers have always remained as a difficult bet for mobile app developers to sell. Competitive apps based on freemium model spring up soon and distort the market and identity of the original app within no time. Hence isn’t wise to go for an ad based model with in app purchases to keep the revenue wheel moving?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

iPad seems futuristic for iPad app developer India

Forrester has come up with a new set of data and it coincides with the figures released by Gartner before. A cumulative statistical data for global government and business spending on IT products and services suggests a 2.1 trillion of total sales. Indian app developers and iPad app developer India community are particularly happy as the report predicts that a large chunk of the spending will go towards adoption of tablets with Apple leading the way with its iPad.

On the other hand the galaxy and other tabs are not looking promising to create any kind of market dominance beating the iPad but they are predicted to increase the market share of tablets. The iPad experience is unbeatable and most importantly reliable. Topped up with a big screen and a dependable and uniform ecosystem of Apple, the iPad proves as a great mobile device to manage professional as well as personal data at a single place.

iPad app developer India must also take into consideration that Apple is likely to close its books with a whopping $14b by selling iPads alone, proving itself as a futuristic device for computing. Apart from tablets and phones, the personal computer market is expected to shrink by 3% by the end of the year.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mobile app developers’ now eye the camera

There is a growing trend of beefing up the camera of mobile devices these days. The high end android phones are already packed with cameras that are able to record videos that go beyond the conventional 30fps of frame rate. The galaxy S4 along with various other high end androids are already packed with video recording features with 120 fps of frame rate. Continuing the momentum, the recently launched Lumia 1020 is launched with a staggering 41mpgx cam and also features high frame rate video recording too. With apps like Vine and Everlapse, the market is now tilting towards the rich visual aspects that a Smartphone can deliver for the users.

Indian companies building apps suggest that there is an increasing trend of video recording apps in the app stores these days. After Vine brought the stop animation thing into the users’ hands, the Smartphone industry which is suffering a huge vacuum of innovation is looking towards this trend with some enthusiasm. Indian mobile app developers say that more frames in a video means higher and richer video experience. Slow motion videos and more artistic ones can be created with higher frame rates that could even become valuable for corporate as well.

Mobile App Developer across the world are eying the category of video making apps with enthusiasm and as more and more devices integrate advanced cameras in their sets, a lot of video making apps can be expected to hit the app stores in the next few months.