Friday, August 30, 2013

How App store optimization gives Mobile Application development a headstart

The rapidly evolving mobile landscape has ushered a mobile application revolution wherein app marketplace or app store reign supreme as the only unique platform from which all the exciting apps can be accessed. While the process of mobile application development coupled with skills of mobile application developer are instrumental to the creation of an app, The ASO ( App store optimization ) as the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app in an app store ( such as iTunes or Google Play for Android) is a very crucial part of the mobile marketing strategy. App search is closely related to search engine optimization (SEO) and specifically includes the process of ranking an app highly in an app store’s search results, Thereby top the chart rankings which is instrumental in driving more downloads for an app.

Among the various popular app stores like Apple’s iTunes, Google’s Play, Amazon’s App store, Windows app store among others, Apple’s iTunes and Google’s Play are the dominant players. However with a huge numbers of mobile apps flooding each of the store and a continuously growing one at that, It is imperative to work the right optimization steps to climb higher in visibility, page listing and categories. While the present ASO process leans heavily on keyword title search , The search mechanics for app discovery will become more sophisticated. The following are the ASO steps that can give your Apps a head start:

App Title: Ideally keyword usage and Branding in the App title is extremely important.

App Description: The App description is crucial as it’s among the first touchpoint with the customer, It not only explains the prospective user about benefits of app, It encourages the user to download it. While every app category has its own specifics, the first three lines of App description are of utmost important. However the importance of description varies depending upon the app store.

Eye-catching design icon: The click-through rate and install rate due to an eye catching icon makes it a compelling case that demands attention. Icons with rich bright colors and simple beautiful design definitely score brownie points and attract attention.

Downloads and Click-through Rates: The more downloads a mobile App has had and also the number of times an App is opened adds to push higher its search rankings in the app store.

Apple App store has changed its app store ranking algorithm and is emphatically linking user ratings, Engagement and app ranking, Thus delivering a positive app experience achieved only through a stringent mobile application development process has never been more critical.

Going forward, The mobile app economy is poised for an exponential growth with the popularity of enterprise apps and emergence of pathbreaking web 2.0 technologies as visual web, HTML 5, Contextual awareness mobility, natural gesture based user interface and many more.

While the growing mobile ecosystem is taking huge strides in mobile application development with mobile application developers riding the learning curve to constantly bring forth new pathbreaking innovations with each passing day, An effective App store optimization (ASO) is an enabler and gives the mobile app a headstart to tap into the target customer base and convert into a revenue medium by engaging and adding value to the users.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rise of visual web in Android application development India and world

The mobile app landscape has recently witnessed a huge transformation as the web 2.0 technologies in congruence with rapid spread of smart phones and tablets have brought a sea change. The digital ecosystem has taken huge strides in Android application development India and other significant digital hubs which with their immense talent pool have been instrumental in being the power behind the force. As Google with its Android OS has been at the fore-front of this digital wave, The steep learning curve for Android Application Developers India and other major software epicenters has been huge and brought about an emergence of various innovative web 2.0 technologies as the visual web.

Visual web is predicted to steer the next wave of web 3.0 which is all about personalization of the internet. Although many recent mobile applications like the Trip advisor, FlipBoard, Polyvore or the recently launched Nara application for iOS from Nara, A mass based recommendation service that aims to create a fully personalized web for its users, widely utilize visual web to create a more personalized and relevant user experience. The phenomena and emergence of visual web is best showcased through some of the hottest mobile application presently reigning the mobile economy such as Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Pinterest, apart from the ubiquitous social media channels like the facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and Google+ .These replication of visual social network offer marketers an abundance of options to reach the customers and engage them on a more holistic level.

The whole paradigm shift requires the digital marketers to not only speak the language of the customer by producing more text based quality content and ever so more by complementing it with relevant and quality visual web media. As the web shifts more towards a visual online experience complemented by the online video platform and contextual awareness mobility, There stand exciting times ahead for the various mobile platforms such as Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Microsoft’s windows and many others to explore the immense opportunities. Among them as Android which has been the game changer has a lot more going for it and must therefore go forth to add force to Android Application Development India and China as they have been the force behind the huge momentum given their huge talent pool of Android application developers India presents a huge opportunity, force and enabler.

The rapid adoption of tablet has further added an impetus to the consumption of visual web too, While the visual web is growing rapidly and continues to expand driven by visually stunning and image filled mobile apps, There are numerous opportunities on the horizon in the sphere of Android application development India and other digital hubs can capitalize on by providing a breeding ground to their Android application developers and thus contribute to the emerging trend.

Thus gradually as web 2.0 characteristics of collaboration and engagement between the users merges with the rapid innovative technologies such as visual web, Exciting media platforms emerge that range from apps like Vine, MixBit, Instagram among others to the social networking communities like Facebook, 500px a photo community that lets you discover, Share, Buy and sell inspiring photographs or Jux a social network to showcase stories through visual medium of photos or videos. Add to it the rapidly transforming mobile app landscape due to Android application development and the path is paved for web 3.0 to optimize the web 2.0 experience.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fragmentation and sunny side of android

All thanks to the open source strategy, Android has grown to capture an 80% of the market share. But it’s not all that sunny with android. The idea of going open source has created a huge number of devices. Android app development India experts say that there is a huge task when it comes to testing the app to deduce that the code is working fine or not but the numbers of devices that are floating in the market are huge. Infact start ups that could test your apps across hundred of android devices have started to pop up in the recent times. Android is going to become one of the major platforms in the future and despite the challenges it creates, it needs attention.

Android will rule the same way Microsoft did
Android app development India community says that although android comes with its own challenges, the dominance of the operating system is evident. It has already taken a mammoth market share and going to explore other strata of market. It is like the Microsoft of 90s. It’s free and any one can install their own version without spending a single penny. Even if the platform does not sync well with the corporate; it’s going to be the layman’s favorite.

Android is into other devices
As said android app developer India realize that android is not limited up to Smartphone today. Android is driving various other devices that include TV tuners, video games and cameras as well. It is obvious that Google is going to create tighter interconnections between these devices to strengthen the android ecosystem. These devices will have their own configurations creating their own set of advantages and challenges at the same time.

Android has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 15-20 months and is posed to play an important role as one of the most preferable mobile OS in the future. There may be an innate challenge of fragmentation but it ultimately leads to differentiation and specialization. The future looks promising for android.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mobile app developer looks towards bendable screens

A lot of tech enthusiasts are vocal about the bendable screens but are they going to be so special that they could revolutionize the Smartphone again? There is an innovation crunch in the mobile market due and OEMs are continuously looking for other ways to make their devices create excitement in the market and bendable screens stands out as a strong proponent that can make it happen. Bendable displays are one of the most talked about dimension in the Smartphone plain that has the potential to bring something substantial or revolutionary for the iPhone app developers and android app developers.

Advantages of bendable screens
One of the most striking advantages of bendable screens is a larger surface area. A larger surface area means that more screen space is available for mobile app developers to create path breaking apps that could challenge the current format of app development. A larger surface area would also allow displaying information in a creative form which is not possible with the conventional screen present in the Smartphone. App developers could also discover new ways of employing touch into their apps that could enhance the user experience.

Android app development and iPhone app development experts have been looking for ways to give more to their users however the Smartphone industry has been facing an innovation crunch in the current times. Apple and the leading Android OEMs have failed to attract the buyer’s attention and have not been successful in generating sales at the same time.

The Smartphone market is asking for something substantial to generate buyer interest and increase sales volume. Mobile app developers on the other hand want something revolutionary too, so that a whole new idea of app experience can be created and delivered to the users.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gesture control is promising opines iPhone app development India

Apple has filed for a new patent and reportedly this is something that we have already seen in movies. Probably one of the most relevant one would be minority report where Tom Cruise operates the entire computer system with hand gestures. If Apple is betting big then who knows, people might be using hand gestures to create objects on the iPad, change colors and various other functions. iPhone app development India experts say that this can be an important and a significant incremental innovation that can trigger a whole new category of applications or might just reinvent ways of doing things.

iPhone app developer India have been associated with the Apple platform have earned substantial revenues till date. The Apple ecosystem has been earning the major share of the profit of all the app purchases and has guaranteed the most consistent performance till date. However the constant decline of market share to android has left the company fight a war with a two pronged attack strategy. The first is to capture a substantial market share so that the Apple ecosystem remains significant. Apple is planning to do it with its cheap iPhone that is supposed to invade the mid range market. Focused particularly on iPhone App Development India the iPhone 5C will create new users thus adding to the net mass of the users for iOS.

The other way Apple is trying to sustain is by rejuvenating its brand and the current patent does exactly that. If iPad can become a device that engineers, designers, illustrators can use to create stuffs with hand gestures. iPad has been already adapted by a lot of fortune 500 companies and Apple’s dependable ecosystem is contributing to this change rapidly. There are a lot of things that are generated from computers and have been done in a very cognitive manner. For example creating an artifact on Photoshop or creating a design in AutoCAD; if gesture control becomes a mainstream way of using tabs then there can be a lot waiting for users and iPhone App Development India at the same time.

Location Based Service as growth engine for Mobile Application Development India and the world

The digital landscape has rapidly evolved with the explosion of smart phones and tablet adoption by consumers across the world, Such that the mobile ecosystem is witnessing quantum leaps in the mobile technologies that have ushered new modes of user engagement, From the ubiquitous mobile apps to the emerging contextual awareness mobility or even the mass adoption of natural user interface like voice, gesture and beyond. Presently even as the mobile app ecosystem is rapidly evolving and continues to make a huge impact in our digital lives, it offers multi-folds possibilities in future more so in multi-format for a seamless experience across devices anytime anywhere. Adding strength to it is the fact that in Mobile application development India and other software hubs has a rich talent pool of Mobile application developers India and such significant digital hubs offer huge opportunities.

One such major trend that is poised for an exponential growth is the Location Based service (LBS) in mobile apps that provides a greater user device engagement by offering valuable content and service to consumers. Apart from being an invaluable marketing tool it also boosts the location based mobile ads industry that has generated a huge excitement recently. LBS enabled apps empower us to organize our lives, Make the digital space more personalized and have a seamless user experience anytime anywhere. The mobile app ecosystem has with LBS expanded beyond the horizon in Mobile application development as a result there have emerged various possibilities for the Mobile application developers India and other major software hubs. All the major app stores such as Google Play, Apple App store among other host a number of LBS enables mobile application which see a constant upsurge in their popularity and appeal. For instance, Google navigation, an often quoted LBS application has become so ubiquitous that it is a crucial part of every communication and has found mass appeal. With almost all smart phones containing a GPS chip these days, the device follows a flat carrier model that enables location based applications to utilize the native client software, GPS chip, Communication over internet protocol and server interaction. Location based services offer a suite of entertainment and information services that also form an important part of mobile marketing strategy. From the popular utility centric Google Now and Google Navigation to the social networking website Foursquare or the recently released Zumper iOS application that is designed to help renters find their next apartment apart from real time listings of available apartments. Thus with a whole lot of opportunities, The LBS promises immense possibilities for business. Generally the LBS services are utilized for locating stores through location intelligence, Proximity-based marketing services wherein various business in the vicinity of the user through LBS can deliver value and discounts to the customers.. Travel information services which delivers traffic and weather information. Furthermore Enterprise mobile apps too can utilize LBS and thus optimize the field workforce management and productivity apart from being a crucial enabler in fraud prevention tools. Thus LBS has wide and far fledged benefits that will gradually unleash as the favorable ecosystem evolves.

Complementing Location Based Service are such web 2.0 technologies as Contextual awareness mobility, SoLoMo, Cloud computing that add more firepower to its effectiveness and continuous evolution. As the mobile app ecosystem evolves rapidly with continuous new innovations in Mobile application development, the Mobile application developers have a steep learning curve ahead, Thus in the arena of Mobile application development India, China and such significant software hubs can be an enabler by capitalizing on its talent pool of Mobile application developers. The emerging mobile landscape thus promises huge possibilities with Location based Service as the growth engine.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Magento e commerce development rules

Magento ecommerce development has scaled new heights again. This time the famous ecommerce development platform has confirmed that it has been able to capture more than 40% of the ecommerce platform market share in Australia. There is a lot of enthusiasm among the Australians to shop online and magento is capitalizing on its advantages to provide the Australian merchants with the stuff they require.

India being one of the hot spot for magento e commerce development is no alien to the magento prowess. There are many magento developers India who see magento as the best e commerce platform for building e-stores because of its varied editions and a plethora of plug-ins.

One of the major advantages of using magento for ecommerce framework for projects is its availability in various forms with which anyone can get started with their e store. For large scale a project that includes complex navigations with large number of products and complex transactions, the enterprise version of magento is apt. The suite includes all that is required for large scale e stores to function smoothly. The enterprise version of magento can also be coupled with an ERP to automate all the processes and create an efficient estore. Apart from community edition, magento Go is also proving to be a boon for small scale merchant who are apprehensive about getting started with their own e-commerce stores. Magento developer India community admit that magento Go reduces all the hassles for small merchants who look for the basic ecommerce facilities in the site while spending a small amount at the same time.

Another reason that makes magento ecommerce development a preferred choice is its huge collection of magento plug-ins. There are thousands of plug-ins in all the categories which are also called magento extensions. These extensions can be easily customized and desired results can be achieved by developers. The best thing about the plug-ins is that that they come in varied price range and allows developers to choose the best one balancing the budget and needs of the project.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Growing android, cheap iPhone and increasing mobile FB users; the stage for future

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The mobile space seems to be getting more stabilized with all the major companies now contributing to the growth and catalyzing factors to the industry as a whole. The android OEM market place was already segregated by numerous devices and now Apple will also join the trend by launching a cheap iPhone that will be focused on gaining a sizeable market share for Apple as per Indian app developers. Not only Android and iPhone; other important channels that add to the momentum of the industry such as Facebook, is also going strong on mobile. App development India community also feels that the integration of the entire ecosystem is going stronger with each day and it promises a great future for mobile along with Indian app developers.

A surging android and a transforming iPhone are defining many things in the market these days. Android phones are evolving every day and has made android gain almost 80% of the market share. That means there are lots of android phones out there that will be hungry for applications. In such a scenario, Apple which has its market share squeezed to 13% is also trying to get back with its iPhone 5C. Experts and app development India believe that this device which will be aimed at developing countries and will compete the mid range android devices. This means that there is a lot of potential for app developer India in the coming times to develop iPhone and android apps alone. However the only missing link here is the lingering problem of app discovery. But not to worry as Facebook is emerging as a potential medium to take care of that.

Facebook’s mobile usage has increased manifolds in the recent times. The company has recently launched its share of MAUs and DAUs and has reported that more than 78% of users in US are accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. This trend is likely to grow in the developing countries as well where mobile devices are penetrating at a steady to fast pace. Facebook’s capabilities for app discovery have been successful till date and its motives to become an app publisher can do wonders for both android and iOS.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wearable Computing: A quantum leaps for mobile computing and mobile app development

Wearable computing is poised to guide the next wave in the digital landscape by facilitating a new form of human-computer interaction. Although at its nascent stage, this highly competitive market has attracted all the major players like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and many others already in the fray with Google already ahead of the pack by unveiling its trailblazer innovative Google Glass that is a wearable computer enhanced eyewear with an optical head mounted display, An in-built camera, Speaker and internet connectivity. The wearable technology holds immense opportunities for mobile app development India and other crucial digital hubs of the world and is a great opportunity to leverage the innovative technology to take the business and individual efficiency to the next level by development of apps and software which in turn presents a great learning curve for Indian App Developers.

A whole quantum leaps unlike the transition from PC’s to mobile, Wearable computing device has to know and interact with multiple devices simultaneously at times even complementing the contextual awareness mobile computing that shares a common ecosystem. Presently Wearable computing includes Glasses, Wristband, Wristwatch, chip embedded on the hand, Smart Trousers, Shirts and Shoes. Although still in its initial stages, The smart glasses and smart wrist watches have already built a committed customer base in sports, fitness where stimulating and inspiring technologies featured in activity and health tracking devices such as Jawbone’s UP, Fit bit Flex have a cult like following, apart from the smart watch Pebble which is moving Smartphone feature to wristwatches and still witnesses recorded brisk sales since its launch this year. The App development will immensely complement the meteoric rise of such wearable computing devices as High mounted Display units like Google Glass and smart watch like the expected iwatch from Apple or Galaxy Gear from Samsung as they go mass scale. It presents a huge learning curve to the App developers India and other digital hubs can optimize on by preparing a fertile ground for Indian App developers India for instance with its huge talent pool of best mobile development companies that can tap into the mobile app development of wearable computing.

Wearable computing device provides a complete hands free operation along with complete mobility and computing power anywhere. With immense possibilities across a lot of sectors from healthcare and fitness to education and enterprise, Wearable computing with the right impetus given by the major players as Apple and Google is indeed set for a meteoric rise as per a recent Juniper research report that pegged the expected shipment of wearable devices to 150 million in 2018.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Trending the future mobile App development with online video platform

A new evolution of online video platform stares us on the horizon. Path breaking technologies and huge paradigm shift with innovations in web 2.0 technologies and advancements in the mobile landscape have changed the way people have embraced the digital media evolution such that even the way people watch video is evolving. As tablets and mobiles become a ubiquitous commodity, it provides an impetus to mobile app developers and app development across world. While you tube has been immensely instrumental is steering the digital media wave to its present state, Recent developments like the launching of YouTube Space built for YouTube creators to learn, Share and create by giving them an opportunity to create original videos, share experiences and attend screening at its huge fully equipped facility in LA, London and Tokyo, or even the latest news of AOL acquiring video Ad platform to become leading video platform in the industry point to a near future where online video platform holds immense possibilities. Moreover certain crucial trends as the meteoric growth of the mobile apps development, The democratization of video production and distribution, The shift from viewing linear TV to anytime, anywhere viewing pave the way for a very promising future for utilization of the online video platform in various industries.

The innovations in mobile app development such as the new age over-the-top messaging apps like the Vine, Instagram, Whatsapp among others and further on their evolution to include video into their core features apart from recently unveiled animated gifs chat from Pinger for iOS that lets you turn a video snippet into a animated chat as part of its messaging 2.0 wave or the newly launched MixBit by AVOS, a company founded by the two co-founders behind YouTube, promises to usher a new wave as a mobile first video platform that is all about editing and putting a video clips together to create a medium length video. Such innovative apps indeed set the trend for encouragement of App Development India and other app hubs can capitalize on, with their huge pool of Indian App developers and raise the bar for App Developers in India. Therefore hordes of mobile app development companies have rapidly emerged to tap into the immense potential that mobile apps can unleash when complemented with online video platform in new age retail , Healthcare, Financial services and entertainment media.

A sign of an evolution and emergence of a fluid convergence of internet, Social media and television in near future is aptly emphasized by the recently launched Google Chromecast, The revolutionary HDMI dongle that allows users to transfer and stream your favorite online entertainment through Airplay-type system on your HDTV by press of a button. Moreover as per a recent survey that offers key insights into how viewers watch video online around the world, with the increase of tablet users, the media consumption and especially videos as massively increased predominantly the engagement level for digital videos that comes from social channels. Adding fuel is the recent popularity of cloud computing through which videos can be accessed from a remote network of computers through internet, Thus popular Mobile apps as YouTube, AOL and many others let users stream videos easily to their mobile devices and with the trend set to grow there are lots of opportunities waiting to be tapped in online and mobile video platform and complementing it is the mobile app development ecosystem that can be utilized by Indian app developers as an opportunity.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mobile application development will revolutionize messaging apps

Everyone is excited about the new update of the Whatsapp messenger. Yes, Whatsapp is all ready and packed up with a voice messaging feature to take on the BBM messenger that would allow users to make voice calls over WiFi. Mobile application development experts from both companies have curled up their sleeves for a fierce competition ahead which will possibly push the messaging apps to a whole new level. If you think that the cellular service providers have lost the messaging challenge to these apps; next few years might call for a total dominance of apps in voice calls as well. How?

The BBM app already does voice calls, but over the WiFi. Actually there is an acute problem of continuous flow of voice data over the internet. However in Whatsapp mobile app developers have chosen to rely on sending a file type data. In other words the communication fostered here resembles closely with that of a walkie-talkie. Whatsapp understands the limitations of the mobile broadband services in developing countries and have not directly challenged BBM by offering voice call service on 3g. Mobile application development experts had gone for WiFi instead, and then the major differentiating factor would not have been there. Prerecorded audio recorded by a Smartphone will definitely score over voice transmitted in real time over internet protocol. If it was not, then we would have definitely had dedicated g-talk phones by now to make international calls within our data prices.

However, the increasing speed of internet points to a future in which messaging apps will dominate over your voice calls as well. Developing countries such as India have already started with 4g connections and tech companies are pushing the speed-o-meter further to attain 5g speeds. In such internet speeds real time transfer of voice data over IP will not be an issue any more. Our Smartphone will simply flash call widgets and we would be talking to anyone over the internet in the next few year.

Although cellular service providers will then have to remodel and base their entire business over data alone.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Contextual Awareness Mobile computing, a call to Indian App Developers

Mobile has an immense potential and possibilities with exciting opportunities created by technology and innovations driven in the field of Contextual Awareness computing. A fundamental element of the ubiquitous computing, Contextual awareness in mobile computing has the powerful capability to empower the end user with a rich user experience by interaction with devices and thus create a dynamic, dominant mobile computing paradigm in technology that features a digital ecosystem wherein pervasive computing exists. Closely related to the Location based computing, Contextual awareness builds upon the situational awareness that is an individual’s ability to interpret and respond to a given situation.

Context awareness is increasingly gaining immense applicability in present times as it becomes a major discussion topic across the major world digital conferences apart from the fact that major industry players are already rushing to market to introduce context aware inspired innovative technologies like recently introduced Google Now, Google Glass, Apple Siri and the recently patented Apple situational awareness and location information sharing for mobile devices, Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. A step ahead of the web 2.0 it builds on its ability to capture database, Collaborate and continuous engagement, The Contextual awareness engages an extensive interaction between the device and the user environment. Complementing the Location based service which sets the basic building block for this powerful future trend.

With India as the hub of mobile centric technologies, Indian app developers can tap into the Contextual awareness mobile computing and Location based services and set the trend in the app development India. Widely renowned for their skilled expertise App Developers India can greatly affect the app development process by building such mobile apps that utilizes contextual awareness in various innovative ways.

While the early entrants like the Google Glass, Google Now and Siri are a precursor to the massive experiences and innovations that lie ahead, In Contextual awareness there exist an interactive paradigm by enabling devices and applications to automatically adapt to changes in the operational and functional environment and respond with effective actions and thus lead to enhancement of user experience. The technology will collectively have a profound effect for a business enterprise by providing necessary task or service relevant information, thus make the task or service more efficient and user more productive as there is more personalization.

Context aware computing has the potential to provide significant benefits that can empower the end user and the enterprise as a whole. Among the many uses it will boost employee productivity and encourage team collaboration. While presently we have only been able to scratch the surface, Soon with development new sensor technologies combined with growth of a favorable ecosystem that includes growth of sensors, Popularity of wearable devices like the Google Glass, Nike Fuel band, Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch, Database innovation and rapidly increasing social database along with a rich Location based services as Foursquare, Google Maps, and Waze the context aware mobile will be a reality.

As the digital landscape makes rapid expansion and advancement in context aware technologies to drive this shift towards a context aware mobile environment, there are exciting opportunities for developments in healthcare and retailing apart from a massive scope in mobile app development that utilizes contextual awareness mobile computing for a rich user experience. It is thus a huge opportunity for the Indian App Developers India with its huge talent pool can be a force to reckon with in App development and get a head start to steer the next digital wave.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Web 2.0 and FOSS: A precursor to best mobile app development

The World Wide Web has today become a collaborative medium that allows users to interact and participate by contributing. This rich flow of information and user experience that emerged out of this participatory social web is more popularly called the web 2.0 that includes the social networking sites, Cloud computing etc that are all a reflection of the essence of web 2.0. It got a massive boost as the technology made waves and thus a social web 2.0 emerged that now acts both as a platform and a database due to the favorable ecosystem of web based technologies that allow for creation of user-generated content and collaboration.

Taking it even further and fully utilizing the web 2.0 to optimally exploit its immense potential is the Free and Open source software (FOSS) that is essentially non-proprietary software that is distributed along with its source code and often developed co-operatively by volunteer computer programmers. So although both the web 2.0 and FOSS are distinct in that one is proprietary while the other is non proprietary, they together complement each other for phenomenal far reaching effects. FOSS is a great enabler in the web 2.0 digital wave as it empowers user-communities to create and participate in expanding the possibilities of World Wide Web towards a web 3.0.

Apart from being an economical and efficient choice, As FOSS provides a powerful platform with strong intangible benefits to create, learn and spread new software, Skills and user experience, It has a crucial and lasting role to play in emerging economies when used by businesses, Educational institutions, Government departments and various user communities. Moreover most of the software now being used to run computing devices of different types from servers, Computers to phones, Chips in cameras are either FOSS or created with FOSS. FOSS is dynamic and in sync with the principles of participatory web and has the benefit that it gets improved quicker and develops quicker than proprietary software. Powered by the web 2.0, FOSS has a domino effect as users have the access to the source so it is easier to fix the faults and improve the application when seen in totality coupled with the combination of open licenses , it simplifies the development process for many enterprises by giving them flexibility.

The mobile OS landscape too has transformed at a rapid pace as a result we see a quantum leap in the device and application development in present times as distinct from the past few years, A major contribution of which goes to FOSS as against proprietary software. Critics actually argue that software patent has in some ways inhibited innovation as the progress in software industry is highly sequential and growth happens cumulatively.

The lucrative mobile software market has witnessed monumental shifts with the open source software playing a significant role just as it has in enterprise software and cloud computing. FOSS has been the force behind the meteoric rise of today’s heavyweight mobile OS as Android built on Linux based operating system, Similarly the recently open source Tizen OS and Ubuntu for mobile phones that reinforce that open source mobile are successful and shall add a fresh perspective to bring significant in the coming future just as they have done in the past.

Thus for instance in Android OS, FOSS provides a favorable ecosystem by encouraging developers to customize and improve the mobile OS environment for a more significant user experience. The recent trend has been to extend the mobile experience by unleashing the mobile apps and web apps and thus expand its utility and aesthetics of the mobile platform.

India as a major technology hub has many software Indian companies building apps. In view of that in Android application development India has a huge talent pool of Android app developers India who also comprise of a huge mix of user communities involved in FOSS and thus offers a great opportunity to give your business a head start as they are exposed to the entire software ecosystem and landscape.

iPhone and android app development awaits Facebook to publish apps

Facebook has been trying to prove as a valuable medium for app discovery and did quite well with its app ads in the news stream for mobile. Last quarter the company has shown revenue of 373 million from the in stream ads but now Facebook seems to be determined to move into something more serious. According to reports it is believed that Facebook is in talks with a number of popular gaming studios and trying to become a significant game publisher. Be it android app development experts or iPhone app development companies, all agree that that app discovery has remained a critical challenge. While popular studios are able to overcome the challenges due to their brand name; smaller studios such as the ones situated in countries like India have not been able to come to limelight.

Publishing in conventional gaming industry has been a proven and tested model and Facebook can do extremely good in becoming a reliable app publishing company for any android or iPhone app development company. In traditional gaming industry the app publisher would take care of each and every aspect of the game that starts from getting it across the market to stores followed by its marketing and distribution for the market.

Here Facebook with its enormous data bank of personal information can do wonders for iPhone and android app development companies that have been struggling in an industry trapped in a power curve comprised of a handful of gaming studios. Facebook can exclusively target the apps to specific users who have relevant profile information.

App discovery has remained as a significant challenge for android and iPhone app development experts and while a few gaming studios lead the market, Facebook’s idea of being an app publisher looks promising for sure. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Android app development India face a tradeoff between experience and fragmentation

The fragmentation in android has proved to as one of the major advantages to the android ecosystem. While Apple focused upon experience from the inception, it has not come up with too many devices till date. The reason is simple; it values the experience on its devices and banks heavily upon it. On the other hand while Google launched android, the status quo of focus on experience was the sole focus which Google challenged with android. Since then while android has grown on to become the favorite platform it has also created a share of challenges with respect to compatibility and app experience.

Massive fragmentation
There has been massive fragmentation in the android market. Android app development India bases their argument upon a recent report that has been published by Open signal, a renowned app development company. The report suggests that this year the firm has seen more than 13500 different android devices downloading their apps which is 4 times as registered in the last year. Clearly, the fragmentation in android is one of the sole driving factors for android app development experts India and other countries. The difference in screen size and differing hardware configuration leads to a lot of challenges that android application development India needs to face while developing apps for android devices.

The future ahead
While many android application development India experts would argue that there has been improvisation in the android SDK and Google is actively working on providing a better experience across devices; fragmentation remains a necessary evil for the android platform to flourish. While Apple stresses heavily on the experience derived from the ecosystem, the niche of Apple devices is not affordable for people living in various developing countries. And this is where android finds its market. Basic and mid level android devices are not stuffed with the latest hardware and hence do not support the latest android versions with ease. Given that, while fragmentation in android is creating the market it is also creating a number of challenges for android application development India.

It will be interesting to see the future trends in android. While on one hand Google tries to establish symmetrical experience across android devices, it will be interesting to see as to how android app development India and developers from other countries deal with the continuum of fragmentation.