Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The stage is all set for Microsoft to claim back its market

Google has recently made its quick office free for android and iOS users. The announcement does not come as a surprise as Microsoft gets more aggressive towards providing a stable mobile platform to a mass user base. Google’s offering quick office for free can be looked as a preparation for a fight that Microsoft is anticipated to give to Google in the coming times. There are substantial indications that the disruption in touch screens may be over and the winning or losing of OS platforms might come out through some other variables.

Innovation vacuum has set the stage
We are all aware about android’s halted innovations and Samsung’s toppling share prices. Let’s accept there is nothing much going on that can be segregated as innovative in android or android app development. The market has saturated and OEMs are now banking upon their strengths to provide something exciting in their android devices. However, we all know that android has performance issues when we compare it to iOS. Android devices are not really perfect in many things although they do get the job done. Hence a large mass of users that use android has not yet been able to experience the fluidity of something like iOS and might be hungry for something similar.

Legacy strikes back
Unlike a couple of year back when Smartphone wars were really exciting; people generally do not care or have strong opinions these days. The hate or love towards brands and platforms has moved and is now gravitating towards utility and the overall experience. Android developers for hire also suggest that there is a lot of potential in enterprise apps in future but would android be able to create a substantial market for itself is still a matter of question. In midst of this,if Microsoft provides devices that performs more consistently than androids and are also beefed up with its legacy software then things might change for Microsoft.There is a huge hue and cry when it comes to legacy software of Microsoft and optimizing it in accordance to the touch screen of today.

There are challenges for Microsoft if it is planning to break the momentum of android and eat up its market share. But nonetheless, the stage is all set for MS to make a difference. Can they?

How growth in India App Development and mobile internet run parallel?

India stands at the very tipping point of a powerful digital wave. While the India App Developers have proved their mettle with innovations in App Development India has a lot going for it. According to GSMA, India is the world’s second largest mobile market with approximately 900 million mobile connections. Also according to the recent TRAI report, around 143 million subscribers in India accessed internet through wireless phones and the number is expected to touch 15 million soon. To further add to the perspective, The ‘India’s Mobile Internet 2013’ report by Avendus Capital predicts that the Indian App market will grow five-fold by 2016 to be worth $30 million. All telltale signs that India is on its way to become a truly digital society.

However the recent released figures by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development ranks India at 145th among nearly 200 countries in terms of using percentage of individuals using internet and 106th in case of mobile broadband penetration. The scene is indeed set to transform in a year or two as the mobile ecosystem drives the internet penetration in India. According to the Avendus Capital report ‘India’s Mobile Internet 2013’, India has more than 160 million internet users of which 86 million accesses the internet through the mobile. The user base that access internet through mobile has rapidly grown to 22 million in last 3-4 years. The Avendus capital report also states that close to 30% searches on Google originate from mobile device and 30% Facebook users in India are mobile-only internet users. Gradually but steadily e-commerce and digital advertising are attaining a critical mass user base. The report further lists Access Devices, Affordable Data Connectivity options and strong use cases as key factors for driving mobile internet.

Thus high speed internet connections through mobile internet also boost the mobile application market. The opportunity is ripe for India App Developers to take a head start. With its huge population base, gradually using mobile to access internet, For App Developers India offers great potential. An ideal example is UC Browser, Rated as India’s no.1 mobile web browser. While mobile web browser are itself rapidly evolving, UC Browser has itself recorded a 60 times growth within India in last three years. It also boasts a major share of its 400 million users from India and China itself. Equally successful is the True Caller app that finds India topping its list of the most number of searches. These and such apps offer an immersive experience that holds credence all the more for those who have not used internet before. Going further, Indian App Developers can also tap into the emerging web 2.0 technologies as SoLoMo and contextual awareness mobility. Thus with the Global app economy set to scale $26 billion and India as the top 5 smart phones market is also the second largest mobile market, Things look promising for India App Developers.

Monday, September 16, 2013

An account of thought leadership of Indian app developers

Yes it is absolutely worth to hire Indian app developers for app development projects. Apart from their technical skills and expertise there is an invaluable asset that makes Indian app developers a worthy choice for your mobile application and it is thought leadership.

Thought leadership is the virtue by which a company positions itself as an expert and move people through innovative ideas to solve their problems. In other words thought leaders, unlike typical marketing people, tend to solve queries and answers the burning questions of their target consumers. Obviously this requires expertise along with a streak to think beyond the ordinary paradigm.

Indian app developers fit exactly into that frame. One of the basic reasons behind it is the familiarity with technology and an early adoption of app development practices. Many Indian app developers outsource their services but this does not mean that the developer lacks the knack of forming ideas and can be separated from the elite club of thought leaders. Execution of the app is one of the most critical aspect that makes or breaks an app. There are tech experts who can process codes as poetry and deliver exceptional execution of an app idea.

A timeline of 4-5 years in app development have now made them subject experts. They can visualize and contemplate the technical challenges that would eventually pop up executing an app idea. The uncertainty is always taken in an enthusiastic manner and new and innovative ways of solving problems are sketched out.

Unlike industries where thought leadership delves deep into various channels and aspects; Indian app developers have the freedom to solve the problems of their clients within closed benchmarks of designing and programming making it more effective and worthy.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Google Glass Apps (Glassware) boost mobile app development

The revolutionary Google Glass device is not just spearheading the wearable computer era; Through Google Glass Apps they are also powering the Mobile Application Development. Google Glass, developed by Google Xis a wearable computing device with an optical headed mounted display (OHMD). Apart from its core function as a wearable device, Google Glass also has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD videos.

The Google Glass Apps (GLASSWARE) Apps have an ability to exponentially enhance the potential of the wearable computing device .Google Glass Apps (Glassware) are available both inbuilt by Google as also by third party developers.

Google Built in Apps:

Google Glass offers most of its experiences based on the Google ecosystem through such Google applications, such as Google Now, Google Maps, Google +and Gmail Google. Following the Google XE7 / XE8 / XE9 GLASS explorer edition updates, The Google Glass experience has improved massively. There are also new Google Now cards, Sound search and a UI overlay feature called Vignette.Things look more promising as a dedicated Google Glass App (Glassware) Store or GLASS Boutique is expected in 2014, thus giving a boost to the Glassware economy.

Third –party Developers:

Google Glass Apps (Glassware) are free applications built by third-party developers. Since the launch of Google Mirror API, Many exciting Apps have been since built by third party mobile app developers and mobile app development companies. 

The following is a list of the top Google Glass Apps and their unique value proposition that set the bar even higher for the mobile application development.

My Glass App: It allows the user to configure and manage the Google Glass device. Includes touch/ swipe/ tap to control the Glass UI through the screen -cast experience.

Vignettes: You can capture both a photo and a video of whatever is on your display in that moment.

BLUE: Designed to provide users with real time Baseball statistics as they watch the game.

Glashion App: Provides Google Glass wearers to purchase fashion items that they spot on the go.

Winky app: Allows you to take a photo anytime with a simple wink of an eye.

Field Trip App: A digital source to explore the city and deliver alerts and informational snapshots about nearby historical place and tourist attractions.

Glass Genie App: A remarkable personal assistant capable of multi-tasking.

New York Times: The flagship third party Glassware app, It Gets you the latest breaking news and stay updated.

Facebook: Allows photo sharing directly from Google Glass to Facebook.

Through Glass: A Facebook updater App. One can send photos and text status updates.

Path: All in one posting to other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr.

Twitter: Twitter for Google Glass, Makes Photo Sharing easy.

Evernote: Helps you remember and act upon ideas by sharing photos or push a note to your guideline.

Tumblr: Allows users to post photos and GIF’s directly from Glass to Tumblr.

CNN: Keeps one updated on the CNN’s latest updated story.

Voice Buyer for Amazon: Search products on and add to cart for later checkout on computer.

Mashable Velocity: Keeps the user updated with the just release tech website Mashable story.

Viddy Eye: A simple way to capture, create and share mobile videos of up to 30 seconds with friends.

GlassFit Gym: For the fitness enthusiast, The App guides you through fitness workouts and tracks your full set of work outs.

NavCook: Turn by turn navigation for cooking that brings high tech into kitchen cooking.

Glass to phone: An App to send your pictures from Glass to your Android phone.

Empowar: Google Glass‘s first Augmented reality App and offers great potential for advertising, Tourism, Architecture and Gaming.

Many such equally exciting (Glassware) Google Glass applications are available that boost the mobile application development. The steep learning curve and the given constraints in the Google glass platform are both an opportunity and a challenge for the mobile app developers in pursuit of new technology wave in mobile app development. However the real challenge is in figuring out a way to create value for customers and make experience for a wearable device useful. Apart from the mobile application development, the mobile app developers India and across other significant hubs must ensure to get a first mover’s advantage so as to tap the mass market for this device at the outset. This calls for an in-depth understanding of why people are or would want to use this device and how it can engage them by value addition.

The following are the crucial guidelines that a prospective Glassware app developer must take note of:

Exclusive design for Glass:

Google Glass as a wearable computing device offers user experience as a unique value proposition, unlike the conventional mobile and tablets platforms; it thus serves a different purpose. Moreover it being a tiny device, the design must be simple and complement the Google Glass design and functionality.

Keep it Timely:

The basic interaction model for Glass is via “Timeline Cards”. Timeline contain items or ‘cards’ that display information to the user. As a Glass user would generally be looking for quick and relevant information, Notification and location based apps that work in real time offer great scope of opportunity.A Glass as a platform is most effective when in-the moment and up-to date.

Don’t Get in the Way:

The Google Glass user will expect the technology to be there when they want it and out of way, when they don’t. According to Google developer’s guidelines the App must not get in the way by offering too frequent information and too loud notification.

Google Glass and Google Glass Application (Glassware) present enormous opportunity and a huge paradigm shift to marketers and mobile app developers to engage customers and deliver value addition on different levels. Even more, The App developers can translate the learning and thought process from the Google Glass application development into mobile application development. Thus Google Glass applications (Glassware) boost the mobile app development.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

iPhone 5c might compete closely against flagship androids

The highly anticipated iPhone 5c that was expected to take on the mid range market in developing countries might have missed out on its claim. The expected price of the iPhone 5C is expected to be over Rs. 35000 in India which is more than $550 dollars in the US. This is certainly not cheap. But apart from that the price difference between the 5c and 5s just stands separated roughly by $100. Thus, iPhone app development India argues that where the iPhone exactly stands and what is the purpose of buying it?

The iPhone 5c is a great device that does not compromise upon the quality of the experience that iPhones have been delivering. The phone comes with an A6 processor and delivers fluid experience with the UI. At the same time the iPhone app developer India say that the device has comparable visual output with eye popping retina display. Having said that, the iPhone 5c is definitely not cheap and Apple is likely to offer this device through the various carriers available here in China and India. This means that Apple is looking towards an EMI based model to make its iPhone 5c work in India. But even after that the price of the model is equal to the high end flagship products in android. The android flagships are not available in contract and this might be a good thing for Apple to sell its iPhone 5c to Indian customers.

Some iPhone app development India company also opines that Apple might also lower the price for iPhone 5c in future for a larger userbase. Brand perception has been one of the central variables that have remained integral to Apple and it is trying to do the same thing here with the 5c as well.

Overall the iPhone 5c is a great smartphone that does not compromise with the user experience and gives a flawless experience. However, given the price it will likely face a tough competition from android flagship devices that offer bigger screens, apparently more specs and customizable experience of Android.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do MS and NOKIA together make an Android Killer?

The affinity towards hardware is something that every tech giant is trying to get their hands on now. The marriage of hardware with software exemplified by Apple has been understood by other players and they are trying to create a similar platform to build on their business. The acquisition of Nokia devices by Microsoft is yet another proof that it’s not just an operating system or Smartphone people would pay for; it will the experience. So can we assume that this association is a warning bell for Android and android app development India experts?

Android is successful but watch out

Android is undoubtedly the market share king at the moment and riding high on the market segmentation factors. There is an android device for every pocket and that is making android grow in leaps. However whoever has used an iPhone and a top tier android device knows that the experience ranks higher in an iPhone. But a user living in a developing country might not be able to put their hands upon the iPhone as it goes way over their budget. This fact is reflected through the app stores revenues as well. With MS now coming with its own recipe of software and hardware, Android app development India feels that MS has a good chance of standing second to Apple as far as consistency in experience in concerned.

Indications of a universal Android

Industry experts are saying that Kit Kat is going to be a universal platform that would be functional in various other devices apart from Smartphone. This may be a startling fact for android app development India as Google might be looking into other electronic devices to churn money for android. While Google has also tried making its own device without hardware acquisition, it’s not that promising.

This may be a strong indicator that even Google understands the market trends that will prevail in the future and has already started to strategize accordingly.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How mobile app development is bridging the gap between online and offline shopping

In the ever evolving and dynamically changing retail world, Mobile App development Technology has blurred the lines between online and offline world to make retail available anytime, anywhere. Given the rapid proliferation of smart phones and adoption of tablets, the spurt in the mobile App economy across the evolving digital landscape has also boosted the cross channel shopping behavior.  The consumers are thus introduced to a more engaging and value adding shopping experience.

The fact remains that the face-to face personal interaction between the consumer and the shopkeeper cannot be completely dwarfed by the speed and ease of use of online and mobile technologies. However it is highly crucial for retail enterprises to build a strong pervasive digital presence through mobile app development and also pursue an effective multichannel strategy so as to tap customers across the demography. As online shopping becomes ubiquitous, the approach towards offline shopping too has altered. New concepts like Showrooming have emerged wherein Consumers while shopping in the offline store easily step into the online world to check for better prices and offers. Not only that, Recent reports also suggest that costumers also show a marked increase in being guided by consumer’s reviews. The web 2.0 technologies with their essence of collaboration thus if used effectively can complement and mutually coexist for a great retail experience for the consumer by leveraging the two. This is where new age mobile app tools like Nomi steers the retail digital wave.

Apart from the retail store’s in-house mobile apps, Web 2.0 technologies empowered apps as photo apps like Instagram, Vimeo, QR code to the recent Glashion app for Google glass perfectly bring an intersection of fashion and technology than ever before. Glashion App for Google Glass for instance provides a way for Google Glass wearer and users to buy fashion items that they spot on the go.  While apps can indeed bridge online and offline shopping behavior, still more innovative web 2.0 technologies can pave the way for a more engaging and value addition experience. Many new shopping apps have further boosted the mobile application development and the role of mobile app developer in the retail’s digital evolution. Apps like Amazon Price Check, allows one to simply scan an item’s barcode and see Amazon’s price for that item. Another App by the name Fancy brings across shopping as an entertainment to your mobile by allowing you to discover, Collect and buy from a crowd curated catalog of amazing goods, wonderful places, and great stores. Part store, magazine, and wishlist, It helps you share your discoveries with all your friends. The Snapette App, Voted as the leading iOS shopping app for finding designer fashion shoes, handbags & accessories is a location based shopping mobile application that acts as a digital resource. Not just mobiles, Even tablets are wielding a great power in the digital retail landscape, as is demonstrated by the  tablet plugin  Shoppad that takes advantage of all things that make tablet so special and creates  a rich tablet-optimized experience for the shoppers.

Moreover as various wearable technology device like Samsung Galaxy Gear watch, Google Glass, Nike Fuel band or the Nissan Nismo gain a wide acceptance, the congruence of web 2.0 technologies, Retail and the Mobile App Development pave the path to bridge online and offline retail.

Monday, September 9, 2013

How Augmented Reality technology powers the Mobile Application development India and world

Augmented reality in Mobile application development hugely enhances the user experience and usability. A major link in the chain of ‘Internet of things’ and voted by Gartner as one of the top 10 IT strategic technologies of the world, Augmented reality is playing a very crucial role in mobile application development India and such significant hubs with huge talent pool of mobile application developers face a challenge and have a steep learning curve. With the recent launch of Google Glass  reigning the airwaves and taking the digital world by storm, Augmented reality technology is undoubtedly geared to be one of the prime user interfaces of the future that will rule the next digital wave in the app sphere. While AR make mobile devices and tablets more engaging and entertaining on an individual level, Mobile Augmented reality Apps have powerful potential and opportunities that can be tapped through Enterprise Apps across various sectors, From retail to architecture, From transport to hospitality, Gaming to Media & Entertainment among others.

According to Wikipedia, AR is a live, Direct or indirect view of real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory elements and inputs such as sounds, video, graphics or GPS data, As a result the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality.” It thus enhances one’s environment by the use of mobile, glasses or any other device, Which in itself provides a massive potential to the mobile application developer community to contribute to mobile application development.

While innovative companies like Layar and Metaio, PAM have been frontrunner and utilized AR to create brand experiences for the consumers by creating a confluence of real world and the virtual world, through which users can access engage and consume digital content overlaid on the physical world, Augmented reality is now a widely emerging genre more so in location based mobile apps across the major mobile app stores  as Google Play and iTunes App store, Thus While iTunes boasts of popular apps as Wikitude, PAM, Yelp,  Layar Spyglass The top ten popular android mobile augmented reality apps are Google skymap, Lookator, Google Goggles, Google ingress,  Layar, Wikitude World Browser, Augment among others.

Apart from its benefits on an individual level, The implementation of AR in enterprise apps more so in the realm of employing the mobile augmented reality apps for advertising becomes a more pertinent point, Since these interactions are easily measurable with analytics that can be filtered by click-through rate, Location/ Time, source media that empower brands to build a more engaging conversation with their customers by superimposing digital information onto a live view of the  physical real world  environment around the customer. Thus (AR) Augmented reality is definitely the way forward for brands to increase their brand engagement with customers and mobile augmented reality apps as a platform does it with ease and on a more in depth level.

Talking about Mobile augmented reality Apps proliferating the enterprise Apps domain, Various industry leaders like HP, Qualcomm, Canon and Google have already made a headstart in this field, Several more companies like Audi, Disney and Leap from across different industries too are treading the path to develop   applications using Augmented reality  technology. Thus Mobile application developers with their collaboration and continuous innovation in web 2.0 technologies are a potent tool in Mobile application development which thus kick starts a spiral growth in the mobile app landscape. In the retail sphere, Recently Frito-lay choose AR to enhance its in-store promotion via Augmented reality mobile  application, Thus engaging the shoppers to interact with characters from the popular Skylander Giant game in a unique and innovative way. It brings the skylanders giants characters to life on their smartphone by scanning in-store displays and they can take photos of themselves and their families which appear on screen as if they are interacting with the character while they shop. Also in the hospitality sector, McDonald & Metaio together launched Mobile augmented reality experience with Mc Donald’s augmented reality app called McMission, Available on both Google Play and iTunes App Store it educates about McDonald’s commitment to sustainability. Similarly IKEA augmented reality app called IKEA catalog lets users visualize interior designs with images of actual IKEA furniture in their home before they buy it, Thus help customers make a more assured and informed purchase.

To further drive home the point of its immense relevance in time to come, Recently mobile Augmented reality App was utilized in healthcare, where surgeons at Asklepois hospital located in Germany, have used augmented reality App  to perform a live surgery successfully as the mobile augmented app not only provided accuracy but also an ability to provide a surgical plan.

Thus Mobile augmented reality Apps with growth of mobile application development has the potential to play a significant role in the future evolution of various industries as Entertainment, Industrial design, Medical, Sports, Tourism, Navigation among others by offering a more engaging and real life experience in conjugation with additional technologies like image recognition, Contextual Awareness Mobility, Location based service and many others.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Does the consumer really need a smartwatch?

There is a lot of buzz in the tech market for smart watches. Sony launched its second version of its smartwatch while Samsung recently launched its galaxy gear. Although programmed to do multiple tasks and increase the user productivity; there is a lingering question that a large group of potential users might be seeking at this moment is the utility quotient of the smartwatch. Is it really important?

The Smartphone does everything we want at the moment from calls to internet and multimedia. Android app developer India believes that the app development request for exploiting each and every category of feature of the Smartphone is happening at this moment. In midst of that the Smartphone looks unnecessary at times. Why would someone shell out 250-300 bucks for running and weather apps? And there are no reports that people are increasingly getting interested at spying jobs either. The only way a Smartphone can generate sales is by being a complimentary device to the Smartphone and the tablet.

Neither the galaxy gear not the Sony smartwatch has got anything special. As said, there is nothing that compliments or leverages the utility or value of the Smartphone at this moment. Android app developer India experts believe that there might be scope available with large screens where smartwatch can complement the device with mobile agility while the users enjoy a big screen experience at the same time.

Hopes are now pinned on the Apple iWatch to come up with substantial innovation that can actually add on to the value of Smartphone and prove valuable for the user as a whole.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Is Android app development going beyond Smartphone with 4.4?

Android Kit Kat is out and a lot of speculations and apprehensive forecasts have been made by android app developers to expect out of the platform. As the punch line goes “to make an amazing Android experience available for everybody,” there is a strong indication that android might not limit itself to Smartphone itself. Android app developers are already witnessing the surge in connectivity in other electronic devices and android fits right in the middle of that to join all the missing links that can create a big ecosystem. This is going to be huge for android and a lot of market and specialized development will also open for android app developers and android app development companies.

Android does not want to be the app revenue king
Android has the largest market share at the moment but it lacks in the department of app revenues. It is not that it does not earn but the majority of money goes to Apple’s pocket. Infact android might not be looking towards becoming the big daddy as far as revenues are concerned. Revenues can only surpass the Apple only when android provides consistency and better experience than iOS and with a myriad of devices this is not extremely difficult. However devices such as cameras, gaming consoles, TVs etc. are increasingly craving for better connectivity and richer software while maintaining a level of uniformity to for users to easily share their activities. And this is what Android 4.4 might be all about.

Creating its own niche
Either create the best or differentiate and Google seems to be doing the latter one at the moment. The camera industry is itself of $65b and manufacturers create their own firmware for their devices. If android can create easy sharing and other technical superiority in its ecosystem then there might be a whole new brigade of android cameras in the market. Same goes with gaming consoles and TV services as well. A free and opensource software will always be welcomed by device manufacturers if it can leverage the worth of their devices and create additional revenue potential for them. This way there will be more opportunities for Android app development companies to work upon other devices apart from Smartphone alone. This is a critical differentiation in terms as far as targeting and segmentation are concerned.

Android 4.4 is looking nice and strong against the overall competition in the market. And if it has decided to go beyond Smartphone, then it has all the potential to be successful.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The acquisition of Nokia devices is good for Windows phone app development experts

With Microsoft going to acquire Nokia Devices and patents, there are a lot of raised eyebrows at the moment. But the deepened association of Microsoft with Nokia is no kindergarten story. Mobile app development companies are now expecting a tighter integration of the Windows mobile OS into the devices and hence better performance from Microsoft-Nokia devices. All these years windows has not been able to acquire much of the market share and this has caused the company to search for position it enjoys in the PC market.

Why the acquisition of devices and patents is justified
The acquisition of the Nokia devices and patents by Microsoft makes perfect sense. To make a personalized and competitive ecosystem compared to Apple, Microsoft needs to have full control for over the hardware of the devices and only then can it match or even surpass the experience of iOS devices. Windows phone app development companies and various experts have praised the Windows OS and it really does a good job on numerous aspects.

On the other hand the dominance of android in the open source space is too hard to compete. Android may be making lesser money than Apple from app store revenues but the market share stats of Android is overwhelming and cannot be overtaken. Hence android is not the competition. If Microsoft is targeting Apple’s market share then it’s not at all a bad bet but MS would need to work on a number of areas.

Can Microsoft bounce back to attain a sizable market share?
Microsoft can but it needs to come out with innovations that could compliment its biggest asset of legacy software on mobile. Windows phone app development believe that something which may be a new or inventive way of typing and using other creative tools on the mobile could create substantial market for the mobile devices powered by windows. MS would need to work towards these or might even have to peruse companies to make apps for windows platform.

The acquisition might not look lucrative at the moment but speculations remain. Hopefully Microsoft would be able to take this into something much larger and emerge as a significant player in the market.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Unity 3d app developer would like the future approach of Unity

Unity has recently introduced a 2d game development engine. Definitely, this not a regressive action going from 3d to 2d but the company has come up with an entire package of Unity 3d services including a cloud platform and a focus towards being a game publishing entity too. Unity 3d has remained as a popular game engine amongst unity 3d app developers and with a wholesome approach and deep strategic thought, it’s surely looking to become a major gaming production powerhouse and a leading cross platform mobile app development tool.

The reliance on cloud

Unity 3d developer will now be able to take advantage of the cloud platform that can host advertisements and cross promotion solutions to a given pool of users. This way unity is poised to become a favorable cross platform app development game development framework that can serve ads and generate revenues for the game publishers. This makes Unity 3d a valuable game development and a single point to make and earn through your games at the same time. Fewer cross platform app development platforms come with this combined feature and this can prove to become a gold mind for unity 3d app developers.

Union become Unity games

Unity is sensing a potential in supporting various unity 3d game developers with game publishing. It already launched a publishing platform called Union last year but did not officially support game makers. However the company has decided to rebrand Union to unity games and support developers in their game making quest. Once a developer in under the unity banner unity will help them to build and distribute the game.

Unity is looking into the future with a calculated approach and after being a successful game development pattern, the current development would only add to advantages.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Telematics as the next evolution trend with mobile application development

The rapidly evolving app landscape is poised for an exponential growth with the favorable growth of various web 2.0 technologies like contextual awareness mobility, Location Based Services, HTML 5, Natural Gesture based interface and enterprise apps among others. While Mobile application development has witnessed a meteoric stride powered by the Mobile application developer community’s high learning curve, the industry is yet at its nascent stage, However one specific genre where apps have already begun to initiate seismic shifts is in the automotive industry. Telematics, The integrated use of telecommunications , vehicle monitoring systems , location technology and informatics for application in vehicles and with vehicles on the move promises a highly potential growth area with powerful repercussions in allied sectors, While the navigation apps were the first wave of app proliferation in automotive industry in order to make cars smarter, Many emerging innovative technologies as V2V ( Vehicle to vehicle) & V2X ( vehicle to infrastructure) for vehicular communication deployment, TPEG information system for traffic information system and many more others in Mobile application development are set to transform the automotive industry in near future.

Telematics will play an important part in all of our lives by allowing for much greater interactivity between the driver and the car such that it will be possible to gather data about the driver ands to use this data to make suggestions that are designed to save the driver’s Time, Money or both. The Telematics umbrella covers the entire gamut of services such as GPS navigation, integrated hands free cell phone usage, Wireless safety communication and automatic driving assistance systems. Telematics helps monitor a vehicle combining the global positioning system with on board diagnostics to record and map how fast and where the car is travelling and how it is behaving internally.

As the consumer’s experience from rapidly evolving mobile application development transfers across their lifestyle, the expectation to extend the seamless experience into the car will also rise. Thus brings the emergence of  car apps ecosystem that enhance a safe, in-car experience, One that offers various Telematics services as Internet access, Mobile commerce with App & store content, Built in Wi-Fi , Off Board Navigation, Traffic , weather, POI’s, Vehicle to vehicle communication, Augmented reality and enhanced vehicle Operating Software as Android or others. It also presents a steep learning curve for mobile application developers as they steer the path for mobile application development in the automotive industry.

As the adoption of smart phones and tablets becomes increasingly popular, Widespread, Adaptable, Affordable technologies shall emerge that will  make mobile Telematics easier to develop , introduce and support. With a firm focus to enhance the in-car experience achieved through leveraging the developments in cellular technology, the internet of things and mobile application developments, Telematics has been widely adopted by major industry players in digital and automotive landscape for fruitful results that will be ripen in very near future. While manufacturers like BMW and Ford have lead the way with technology like ConnectedDrive  and SYNC  each of which offer a wide range of intelligent services and apps that provide an absolute in-car infotainment , The trend is now going mainstream with massive inroads in mobile application development ecosystem, For instance the visionary Elon Musk’s Tesla model S has all thanks to Nvidia tegra 3 can deliver over the air updates to its cabin electronics even as it offers a  in-car experience with computing modules performing all the processing for navigation, Media, A hands free phone system and an instrument cluster.

Apart from the automobile industry leaders, Major mobile players as Apple, Google too are spearheading this emerging in car experience wave powered by their huge talent pool of mobile application developers. Apple for instance has announced its own mobile mapping service apart from an agreement with eight OEM’s that range from BMW to GM to Toyota, Honda and Audi to integrate Siri its voice enabled service, Also on cards is a spoken mapping function which will integrate the next iOS7 to offer a free comprehensive Siri as a navigation specialist. Google too tied has up with Hyundai to integrate its Google maps application programming interface API’s  into the US based Hyundai Blue link Telematics platform. Google is passionately gunning for connected cars technology which in itself promises to be the next evolutionary trend. With its resolute vision of the future of transportation, Google has recently acquired WAZE, developer of free mapping and turn-by-turn navigation apps for iOS and Android, Google also made its largest deal ever of $258M with UBER, An app development company that makes iOS and Android Apps which offer on demand service for both taxi and ride-sharing service by requesting a ride and paying via your mobile phone achieved by innovating at the intersection of mobile technology, Car transportation & logistics. Nokia too has announced its plans to enter into Telematics and connected car platform as it sees it as a repository of technology and mobile application development.

Thus going forward the cars will not just be judged based on their performance alone but more so, It will come down to the question as to which car can provide great opportunities for a safe convenient and enhanced driving experience and Telematics mobile application development will be the fundamental core technology that will make it happen. Whereas Telematics has since long been used by formula one teams and high end luxury cars, It is now all set to go mainstream with usages seen in in-car experience, fleet tracking or freight tracking. Mobile Telematics has a wide spread practical applications across industries when coupled with enterprise apps for instance Vehicle tracking, Freight Tracking.

The evolution of Telematics with Mobile application development thus paves way for immense opportunities which mobile application developers can best optimize to in order to further expand the limits of technology.