Friday, April 26, 2013

Mobile app developers and the mobile ecosystem are segregating social interaction and making it specialized

The social space is going exclusive these days. Pertaining to the nature of the content, each and every site is engineering itself to create a unique environment driven by user generated data. The exclusivity is also catalyzed by the increasing magnitude of mobile internet usage. At the deepest level of it, one can infer that the app driven ecosystem is highly exclusive and function specific. Some of the top mobile app developers such as Facebook also realized this and hence there are a plethora of apps for user engagement. Mobile internet has changed the way of social interactions and making it more specialized day by day.

The pintresting story
Social networks have evolved from friendster and MySpace to become Facebook but there have been limitations with each and every format in some way or the other. When people thought FB to be the perfect photo sharing medium, we got Pinterest that allowed users to easily upload and present the images in their original sizes. Thus, long inforgraphics that appears tiny in Facebook were easily visible in Pinterest with each and every detail. In the heat of the moment that was driven by mobile apps, mobile app developer at Pinterest went mobile and created a fascinating application that kept its utility alive in the Smartphone as well.

The wandering mind’s quest ends at Quora
Quora, another exclusive place to for social interaction! However, it serves a purpose in answering a question posed by a user. The mobile application identifies your interests and serves relevant questions that have been answered and trending. Users can rate an answer up or down and making an answer more valuable and appear at the top. The answers also need citations and references which further makes it a valuable platform to gain and share knowledge. Due to its exclusiveness, the mobile app developers at Quora did not have challenges to reach a 1m download mark. The feed is not noisy with everything but just the trending questions that may have been voted by your friends.

Mobile internet usage has increased and contributes to almost half of the total internet usage. The smart phones are built around apps and exclusivity is one of the dominating factors now. Just the way Pinterest and Quora made it big, there can be other potential ideas waiting on the horizon to shine under the light of an app driven mobile ecosystem.
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