Thursday, April 11, 2013

Google goes the Apple way for playstore content. Cuts 60000 apps!

Just making a great mobile device is not enough and Steve Jobs knew it quite well. This is one of the major reasons Jobs launched a complete package that consisted an app store along with a great mobile device. Since then Apple’s dedicated efforts to keep its App store valuable and free from malwares has paid off.

Referring to a recent news report, the company Q1 results for its app store were 74% of the total revenues earned by all the app stores combined. Although Android stood second with more than 30%; the margin was huge given the fact that both the stores have almost the same number of apps. However it is obvious that Apple app store has more stringent guidelines which tends to punish spam and offers more quality apps than android.  

In an effort to bridge this asymmetry, Google has decided to improve the quality of the applications submitted in its app store and has cut away some 60,000 apps from its app store. Many applications belonging to the ‘MP3 player’ and ‘ringtone maker’ category have been called off from the app stores by the android app developers themselves but such a massive scale down cannot happen without Google initiating it from their end. The sole purpose of this curation seems to do away with the potential spammy applications submitted by many android app development experts over a period of time.

Till date Google used to penalize mobile app development companies who used to violate the terms and conditions of the app store. However, the recent move suggests that lame applications that do not provide much utility to the user will be put under a tight scrutiny and most probably be deleted from the play store.

In the course of last 2-3 years, the android ecosystem has matured and apps have become the most critical link in the entire system. Google understands that in the coming times app experience will contribute as an essential variable which will directly affect the magnitude of revenues that comes from android.  Hence, leveraging on the app experience is the best thing to do now.
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