Saturday, April 13, 2013

After the arch lights have dimmed and the buzz faded away, applicability of the technology will rule!

There are a couple of tech companies that are going ga-ga over the video pause technology. As you might have guessed the first one is Samsung which has bundled the smart pause technology in its flagship S4 and the second one is Microsoft. Microsoft is packing its next Xbox with a video pause feature. It might look cool in the beginning but the technology adds nothing substantial to the experience and might even deteriorate the user experience if not done properly. 

Not so useful-
Android app developers who have been programming applications for the platform say that, these features are good and generate a lot of buzz however the need of such a technology has been minimal. Even if attention spans are to be considered, some of the videos, say an engaging action scene or a pornographic video clip would get the maximum attention span. The reason is, watching videos are generally a casual process with relatively low attention. It is like a background noise that people prefer to live while giving attention in small bursts. Android app developers also argue that the same argument for the smart stay technology which did not find much attention from any android developer to employ it in an application.

Hitting an innovation block-
It has become a norm and a strict regime to build the next version and there is a time allotted for it. If companies don’t come out with new versions then their stocks tumble and give the news hungry media a lot to talk about.  May be the major tech companies have hit an innovation roadblock now. The iPhone and the iPad was the last thing that happened and after that it was mostly incremental innovation that followed. However to keep a pace and to show the world that companies are innovating, these are some of the features on which the money is getting spent.
New versions of successful devices will be rolled out every year. They will create a lot of sound and light. But after the arch lights have dimmed and the buzz faded away, the applicability of the technology will rule. 
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