Monday, April 8, 2013

With the best app store Apple makes iPhone app development preferable

Recently Apple has presented another example that explains, as to why Apple still leads all figures when it comes to overall revenues in Smartphone. The company has recently pulled the app rating on the top of the application which allows parents to easily recognize the content maturity of a particular application. This probably comes as an after effect of pornographic videos posted by a recent video sharing app called Vine. Apple clearly understands the importance of encouraging quality content which is served following the best app submissions and review guidelines. Many iPhone app developers love the curation as submitting an app in iTunes brands it with hallmark of trust. Let’s delve a little deeper.  

The most popular cliché-

With every new launch from Samsung, Samsung fan boys happily condole; “final nail in the iPhone coffin”. However even after putting dozens of nails in the last couple of years; Apple’s lead in the revenues remains unchallenged by Samsung or any other Android device maker. And the foremost reason is Apple’s golden egg laying hen which is definitely the iTunes. The closed loop built around the device and the app store is the major catalyst that shot Apple to success and the company maintained that the app store remains free from malware apps, nudity, and restricts useless applications. The recent app rating is yet another effort to stick to the idea of giving the best content to the iPhone users and making the iOS a preferred choice for iPhone App developers.

Infact Samsung seems to be interested towards building its own OS and ecosystem but leaving android could be difficult for the company now.

Phone built around apps-

Smartphone are built around apps. The accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS navigation; they are integrated to the applications and help users to optimize and share their world of activities. Apps are defining the features of smartphone and hence a good experience cannot rest upon making a good device alone. Quality matters and Apple leads in keeping up with quality of the apps. This in-turn makes it a customer’s favorite and also attract the best talent for iPhone app development.
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