Monday, April 1, 2013

Mobile app development might have to consider the Smartwatch in near future

Apple reinvented the phone and one of the major factors that the company took into account is considering the accessory value the phone. Just look at the first version of iOS. Why do we need those animations? , how important is the beautiful typography? It’s really important. And with so many companies now focused on reinventing the watch; the accessory quotient is much higher and needs to be taken care by the companies wanting to make the next big thing.

Why reinvent the watch?
The watch is a great mobile accessory that has the potential to perform some of the basic tasks like navigation, time related functions and most interestingly connect to the phone to sync all the activities. Basically, the smartwatch would act as a layer over the Smartphone to organize and enjoy the daily chores while turning your timepiece into a super watch with advanced functionalities that would come with app support too. Just the way Google is working on the glass project; the focus has now shifted to revolutionize most of the wearable and personal accessories, fire them up with technology and make them even more useful than before.

The prospects for mobile app development
Android app developers and iPhone app developers can expect a lot of app development in the coming times for smart watches. Since the watches will be coupled with a load of sensors, such as barometer, thermometer along with the contemporary accelerometer and gyroscope, it will open up a lot of scope of in app development. Imagine a smartwatch that is always touching your skin and updates you on your body temperature. In the event of fever, an app integrated with the phone can instruct you on medication and may even automatically send a message to your loved one instantly. Won’t that be great?

Almost all the major companies have been working towards making their own smartwatch. As innovation in the Smartphone seems to coagulate a bit, interconnecting mobile accessories is pacing up rapidly. Would these devices work? Is the idea substantial?
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